
Projekter rss feed

Communication Technologies for Control of Microgrids

Savaghebi, Mehdi

Type: Research    |     Projektstatus: Not started


Utilising novel motor driver technology to facilitate metabolic MRI

Zhurbenko, Vitaliy

Type: Research    |     Projektstatus: Not started


The Impact of AI on Managerial Work

Jensen, Jonas Kjeldmand; Kirchner, Kathrin; Edwards, Kasper; Engwall, Mats; Karakaya, Emrah Superv.: Engwall, Mats; Karakaya, Emrah

Type: PhD    |     Projektstatus: Active


AI design of analytical tool compounds

Jacobsen, Christian Peder; Jenkins, Timothy Patrick; Gunnarsson, Stefan Bragi; Hald, Andreas; Rasch, Morten Gronbech Superv.: Gunnarsson, Stefan Bragi; Hald, Andreas; Rasch, Morten Gronbech

Type: PhD    |     Projektstatus: Active


Fast and accurate machine-learning surrogates of wind farm wake aerodynamics

Hölldobler, Lena; Murcia Leon, Juan Pablo; Vinuesa, Ricardo Superv.: Vinuesa, Ricardo

Type: PhD    |     Projektstatus: Active
